家具furnituresofa, desk, table, chair, 等等颜色colorred , yellow, blue, green,purple, pink, 等等形状shapecircle, square, triangle, retangle, ellipse等等职业professiondoctor, teacher。

classic fashion毛巾

水龙头Water tap,浴室bathroom,浴缸bathtub,棉签cotton stick,洗衣粉laundry powder,女宾袋female guest bag,矿泉水mineral water,小方巾small hand towel,毛巾towel,浴巾bath towel,地巾turban。



My bedroom is a fantastic heaven, a place where i can snuggleit has cream color ,as you entering my room , you can discover the kingsize bed in the centre There is a garderobe beside my bed The。

cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 carpet 地毯 一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种rug 地毯。